Wednesday 12 August 2009

Ecotube - Stunt TV Pilot Project

This show is for the ‘Eco Warrior’ generation. It’s a highly intelligent guerilla expose romp - laughing at and exposing the unsuspecting public, and ‘greenwashing’ of figures in power. User-generated content is linked together by presenter inserts: well-informed bad behaviour you wish you had the balls to do yourself.

The Programme

A magazine-style programme featuring user-generated content & existing videos from the web (the best green videos in the world) interspersed with a series of relevant humorous and enlightening stunts. Eco bad boy, Chris Smith, the founder of Ecotube will set up the stunts and facilitate them. However once the pilot is complete we will get a famous name to introduce and voice over. (we have a couple of people interested but cannot tell you who)


There have been a lot of green TV shows, quite worthy and middle class. Yet the truth about the world is that it’s getting dirty & polluted, people are becoming increasingly selfish and the human race is in denial. So we need to laugh a bit, be shocked, surprised and entertained.

Everybody has a viewpoint, so a programme is needed to combines different viewpoints weaved together in an edgy and dangerous way.

- Audiences are aware of, and want to be informed about current green issues. But existing Green TV can put off potential audiences through preaching and appearing overly ‘worthy’. In this show the audience is on the same side as the presenter, as he explores different viewpoints on the issues – in a risqué and funny way.


The audience is varied but needs to hit certain demographics. Post teenage years, people in denial about global warming, 30 somethings who think going green is achieved by fair-trade coffee and a bit of recycling. A non green audience who are attracted to the stunts and quirkier presentation of the issues.

15-35, both those who agree and disagree with green issues. Audiences tune in for the entertainment and shock value, but will pick up on the important issues as they are explored and exposed through the course of the show.


User generated content has exploded on the internet and gives a great opportunity to access quirky and creative content for a magazine programme.

Chris Smith will appear in links which act as segue ways between these films and also we mash up other peoples films into our own mini epics (like Plastic Bag the Movie – )

The links will be made up of stunts and interviews. Here are some examples of the type of stunts we will be filming

•Dumping industrial waste outside the homes of employees of UK mining company which is destroying communities in India

•Interview David Cameron and read out the results of votes on climate change issues by UK Conservative MEPs (who very often vote against good enviro policy in Europe) and ask him if being anti-EU means stopping 27 countries from taking action on climate change

•Noise Pollution – person on bus/train chattering into mobile phone –demonstrate the invasion of boundary by playing a spoken word MP3 on my own mobile loudspeaker – FOLLOW with litter dropping sketch demonstrating boundary issues again

•Celebrity Bins – did they recycle? Let’s Look inside

•Light Bulb Inspectors – we send a fake team of inspectors to fine homeowners who are using old style light bulbs

•Give people their litter back when they drop it on the street

•Children outside Primark carrying huge sacks of cotton on their backs

•Celebs on the Red Carpet (echoes of Dennis Pennis) – e.g question Chris Martin about his private jet.

•Interview Richard Branson and half way through turn on him and slate his airline and his train subsidies

•Stand in Chelsea with a placard that says ‘idiot’ and raise it when anyyone drives past in a 4x4. We film their startled reactions.

•People outside supermarkets dressed as vegetables in stereotypical ethnic outfits to indicate their country of origin: Ie. A Mexican lemon or an Italian tomato or a South African mango...highlighting air miles costs

•Guerilla Gardening – spells out environmental messages in public places

•Free Newspapers on the tube – install some racks via suction cup and see if people place them in the racks after use…Could start a new trend if it works…

•Put stickers on packages of cheap meat in supermarkets showing the type of conditions the animals endured. Hidden camera catches people's reactions

Some of the stunts and interviews will highlight the contradictory nature of our lifestyles.

These are just examples - a final list will be published pending finance goal being reached. We are also open to suggestions (and you can even appear in a stunt if you pay enough)

This new approach to eco issues has great potential to provoke debate and move the subject into a mainstream format with a wider audience appeal than ‘green’ makeover shows. The same issues will always come up, yet by engaging from a different angle we can provide a fresher insight.


The safety of the public and film crew is paramount. Although some stunts can be done on a small scale clearly others require alot of setting up and security. This is why we need funding for the bigger set ups..


We are looking to raise £7500 or $10,000 to produce a 1/2 hour pilot episode with a view to getting a series commissioned. If this happens we will refund all the donations. The pilot will be available to watch across the planet on the internet. We anticipate a great deal of interest.

We are looking for a minimum donation of £15 or $20. On this basis we only need 500 people to donate.

However for bigger donations we are offering more involvement with the production as follows;

Name in Credits £30 upwards

Appearance in a stunt £300 (UK Only)
Set up a family member for an eco stunt £600

About the Producer

Chris Smith is a former TV producer and studied for an Msc in Responsiblity and Business Practise. In 2008 he launched Ecotube, The Green Youtube with over 1000 films online. Some of the content from the site will be utilised in the pilot.

A keen activist, Chris has recorded many events in London including the G20 Protests, Reverend Billy exorcism at Starbucks and has also been known to accost Government ministers such as Ed Miliband

The opportunity to produce the Eco Stunt Show is the culmination of his life's work.

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